once you lower the transmission (cross member out ) you should be able to get to them with 2 long extentions and a swivel electrical tape on the swivel will help if it's really loose. If the truck is up high enough you can kinda sit behind it and see them have some one help you guide tools if needed. Torque Converter is kinda up to you, you don't want to much of a stall may effect normal driveability. I'd probably go with like a 2000 stall from monster transmission about $350 $450 with a 3 year warranty. Yank has a good line up, but I believe the lowest they have is a 2600. All depends on how you drive cam rear gear etc. It can be a tricky process choosing the right converter to fit your needs. There is probably a few people on here that can help you choose better than myself. This truck is my first automatic.. Call a TC dealer and let them know what your working with and they can probably point you in the right direction. I have the Monster 1650 and I like it, but when I pull the motor to go 6.0 I'm going to the 2000.