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Thread: Reply to Forsale post?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DamnYankee View Post
    I was trying to help you. If you took "...." as arrogant, you made an ignorant judgment. It's that simple. The fact that you can't wrap your head around that simple little fact and are still trying to justify your response shows how unreasonable of a person you are. Now you're going to say I should have waited to post so as to not hurt your feelings? Look at that from my point of view: I'm limited on my time, post up a couple of quotes to answer your question, and get called arrogant because of it. A little quick to assume, aren't you??

    You've stressed that it's a dumb rule. I get it. As of right now, regardless of your post count, you will NOT be posting in our classifieds. If you feel our rules are dumb, then we (the moderators) have no reason to believe you would abide by them. So don't worry about your post count...our Classifieds section is not and will not be available for your use.

    This whole thread/topic is definitely not just between me and you. We have a community here and as you can see, we watch each others backs. Your comments have obviously irritated others and as respected members of the site, their opinions count.

    So all of that being said, enjoy the site. I mean that. There's a lot of great information here and a lot of helpful people if you give them a chance and don't jump to conclusions and assume the worse.
    Really, I'm ignorant because I took your 15 min "...." response the wrong way? And I'm unreasonable because I stated my point of view? Even after I apologized for taking it the wrong way, and said I wouldn't post whore to get the coveted "classifieds post privilege"?

    Lol, hurt feelings? I called it like I read it. If you don't like people inferring the context of your posts the wrong way, perhaps you should put maybe half your ass into your responses. Like I said before, I wasn't staying up all morning waiting for an answer. Its not that big of deal.

    No it is between me and you. I think you know you're the moderator. W/e the take these guys have on this whole series of posts doesn't mean crap. They don't enforce the rules. I don't get why you needed your back watched. There wasn't any personal attacks in any of my posts. I called the rule dumb...ffs. Id say the only personal attacks came from you...O.o.

    So I won't ever have classifieds posting privileges? Wow, pretty much a moot point there. I said a few posts ago I wasn't going to buy anything out of them.

    Well man, thanks for inviting me to enjoy the site.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I'm going to say this as nicely as possible although I don't think it's going to help:

    I posted in an honest effort to help you. There was no arrogance. I was on the tail end of my break and our internet use is watched carefully. I had just enough time to go find the rule (rather than simply reference it), quote it, post it, receive an error message that my response was too short, so I quickly threw in "...." between your quote and the quote of the rules.

    You're not grasping that I used a limited amount of time to sincerely try to help you. In turn, I get called arrogant and get told I should have waited to help you until I had more time to ensure it was stated perfectly and outlined in a way that your feelings wouldn't be hurt. I get told my effort to help you is half-assed.

    I have over 7,000 posts and don't have issues with people understanding the context of my posts.

    It's clear it doesn't make a difference though.

    Your attitude sucks. Enjoy your stay.

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