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Thread: Help with fuel pump (Needing 45 psi pump for OBS)

  1. #1

    Help with fuel pump (Needing 45 psi pump for OBS)

    Alright, I went out to my '89 OBS this mornin to find a NO START/NO FUEL issue present. No fuel at my fuel rail and I can't hear my pump humm. The question I have is, since my Edelbrock 3502 MPFI kit reguires a higher PSI fuel pump compared to the 15 PSI pump that came with the stock TBI setup (which I didn't install) what fuel pump can I use to feed this setup? I know it's not exactly an ''LS1'' specific question but know this is a pretty common issue to address. I just need to get my truck running ASAP so any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Antonio, TX
    Try to get one for a mid 90's mustang, aftermarket, that's what i've used before.
    or, just get a walbro 255/ 340, if the regulator can handle it, it'll work.

    not sure if your pump is inline or intank, but walbro also makes an inline pump.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by farmtruc View Post
    Try to get one for a mid 90's mustang, aftermarket, that's what i've used before.
    or, just get a walbro 255/ 340, if the regulator can handle it, it'll work.

    not sure if your pump is inline or intank, but walbro also makes an inline pump.
    I got the factory replacent TPI pump and it seemed to do the trick. One of the connectors had gotten hot at one point and was half melted so I replaced that along with a new filter. It had a Walbro pump in it.

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