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Thread: lots of 5.3 questions please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    lots of 5.3 questions please help

    ok i have my 5.3 got my pistons on the way selling my dirt bike so now im going to buy parts for my build. going with ls6 pistons and rods. working on getting a z06 cam and springs,oil pump and timming set. still have to get ls7 lifters and trays. going to stick with the 706 heads for now. now on to my questions. i did a little calculating and i believe it said it would be around 10.9.1 comp. does this sound about right with stock thickness gaskets? ive found that there could be 2 diffrent cam bearings for my motor. how do i tell what year my motor is for the correct parts? also ive seen that they list gasket sets for diffrent year motors. whats the diffrence? also will my stock pushrods be enough for the z06 cam and springs? im going to stick with the stock rockers for now. will i need a diffrent length pushrod with the ls7 lifters? im not going to deck anything. staying n/a just a mild street motor for now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    you should be fine with the lifters, id through hardended pushrods since you have it apart, stock length, best way to tell what year the engine is is by the pistons, dished is 01-05 i believe and flat is 4.8 01-05 and also 06 5.3. or just find the stamp on the engine and google it. and not sure about the comp, hope someone else chimes in
    Today 03:25 am 6 stringer o thats a good point, its ok ill just add a blinker fluid cooler
    Today 03:24 AMtruckinL33 that's not a good place for it, you can overheat your blinker fluid with the capacitor
    Today 03:23 AMtruckinL33 i need them for when i go back to 1985
    Today 03:23 AM6stringer i mounted my flux capacitor next to my blinker fluid resevoir
    Today 03:22 AMtruckinL33 me too, right next to my flux compasator!
    Today 03:22 AM6stringer hey gear oil needs to be cooled, i have front and rear diff coolers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    hot & windy
    won't you have to bore the 5.3 out to use LS6 pistons?
    00 FRC - just top end, exhaust, and a hot-air intake
    99 Sierra - 5.3 / 5spd
    ↓ click the pic for the build ↓

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Broken Bow, OK
    Quote Originally Posted by zebra View Post
    won't you have to bore the 5.3 out to use LS6 pistons?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    yep thats what im doin boring it out. also how much power u think this combo will make?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    also what rpm is the stock 5.3 lifters good to and how long do they usually last like would any of u reuse the old lifters

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Cromwell, CT
    as long as the lifters are in good shape, theres nothing wrong with reusing roller lifters
    01 ecsb 5.3 4x4 z71
    Avalanche 17s and a pant load of miles

    61 Corvette
    350, 4 speed, 4.56's

    32 Ford 4 door sedan
    keeping it "stockish"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    ok thanks ive never messed with roller lifters before. built tons of old school motors and replaced them when i tore the motor down. everything in my motor looks excelent. doesnt look like it had alot of miles on it just want to make shure everything is good before i go back in. it would suc to have to pull it back out a month after i get it goin. thanks for all the help guys

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    not using the 706 heads now going to keep the compression down in case i want to go fi or nitrous. picked up a set of 317 heads and heat sink coils and ls2 front cover and sensor. the cam im going to use is a ls2 cam that has the same specs as the z06 cam. got the heads,cover,sensor and coils for $300.
    got the cam, yellow springs, timing set and ls2 oil pump coming. picked those up for $155. does the ls2 cam have the same .050 smaller base circle as the z06 cam? tried to research and all i could find was the cam specs as far as lift and duration. also found out my block is 04 and newer has equal length headbolts.
    Last edited by cjcalhoun; 03-21-2010 at 01:55 PM.

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