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Thread: Need help ASAP... Cam sprocket or tune?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Need help ASAP... Cam sprocket or tune?

    could my engine run like crap and wont go over 2000-3000 RPM if i would install an older engine with one of this timing sprocket with abunch off round holes diffrent than the original in my 2006 5.3... looks similar to this one but not the same and i know it dosent have all this holes on it more like a 1 piece round plate? well after i installed an older engine on my 2006 silverado with the cam sprocket im talking about it stating to do this things... once i turn the engine on it will rev. easily over 5k-6k RPM and once i let it idle and try to rev it again it wont even go past 3k RPM or 2k RPM's it sucks and with the peddle all the way down. it wont trow any codes checked that... & also i checked and swaped the coils, map, throttle body, crank sensor, wires, plugs, knock sensors, everything i can think off... fuel pressure steady at 55psi.... any one could it be this or the tune?

    my original sprocket looks more like this...

    new sprocket installed in the 2006 computer but old engine with EGR- dont know correct year on engine.

    "The baddest LS turbo truck" 160+mph

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Round Rock, TX
    If you had the top one then you have a GenIV and the bottom one definately will not work. Is the cam sensor on the front cover or at the rear of the block?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DBRODS View Post
    If you had the top one then you have a GenIV and the bottom one definately will not work. Is the cam sensor on the front cover or at the rear of the block?
    cam sensor is on the rear of the block and i shure know my cam sprocket on my original 2006 5.3l is not like the bottom one... what could it be could be the tune when they turned my tune back to stock from the Turbo tune sumthing wnt wrong or is wrong in the tune but no DTC codes pop up... i need to take the computer back to my tuner so he can check it since we wasnt there when we did the stock tune since he was in vacations.

    "The baddest LS turbo truck" 160+mph

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    The timing gear won't matter if your cam sensor is the one at the rear, the only thing that will matter is the cam timing ( you got the timing marks lined up correctly if you swapped cams ). If you installed another cam in the engine, does it have the timing pulse generator on the back end of the cam? LS2 and newer cams won't have one. Cams with the center bolt won't have it either. One thing to check after an engine install is that you burped the air out of the heads. Pull the coolant crossover loose or off the front of the heads until a steady stream of coolant comes out of them. Air pockets in the heads will cause overheating even though it won't register on the temp gauge, it's not designed to check air temp.
    Last edited by RedHeartbeat; 01-06-2010 at 11:28 AM.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Augusta, Ks
    I vote for either cam gears arnt aligned right or like greg was saying pulse generator problem.
    2000 Silverado ECSB- 5.3 CAI, Pacesetter LTs, ORY- Pipe, Magnaflow XL, E-fan, Ported T/B , Nelson Tuned, Built 4l60e, Circle D Stall, 3.42s G80, 2-4 Drop, Hertz Highs, Rockford 501s

    2004 Buell XB12s

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