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Thread: Help alternator whine

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    newburgh, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by lo-lyf View Post
    I have seen some that have been grounded that way that burn up the RCA ground trace inside the radio due to bad ground.
    Basically if this happens my head unit is shot then. I have changed everything new grounds to the body then from that bot to the frame. and 2/0 from the battery to the frame. the alternator is fairly new its a power bastard 250 amp.
    my voltage is 14 at my amp and head unit.
    Step 1. crus at it.
    Step 2. get a hammer.
    Step 3. torch it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Round Rock, Texas
    Have you done the big three yet? Is your headunit hard wired, or a factory adapter? My brothers CCSB had a horrible whine, removed the factory adapter and it got better, but still there. I finally did the big three and it is completely gone now.
    cjriojas:if you're weather man is a 5 gallon bucket, YOUUUUUUUUUUU might be a redneck
    danger_ranger83: I see now why it cost so much to get a harness made... FML
    2boostedSilverado: I like Casey's rear end, I want to chat with him about it

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Wichita Falls, TX
    A RCA ground trace can be fixed but may not be worth it, depends whether or not you want to take the radio apart to fix it. Also, the damage may be permanent, I tried fixing one once and had no success.
    2005 black Yukon XL SLT - traded in for me wife's new Fusion (GM sucks these days)
    2002 black Yukon SLT (the skinny sister)
    1969 green Pontiac GTO (Layla, AKA the black sheep)

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    Sticky/broken gauges? I can help. PM me for details.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Maui, HI
    I finally replaced the deck ground with a shorter 12 gauge run (maybe 2ft total or just under) and Im pleased to say it has fixed my random ground noises issues. Definitely glad someone mentioned this as fix cause I was tired of randomly hearing feedback and then goes away.
    99 Silverado 1500 4x4 RC 4.8
    4L60E, 3.73, Homemade CAI, 92oct Quik tuned,
    08 Tahoe radiator/fans, Dumped exhaust... summed up one loud pig caller |[226K! on odometer|

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Wichita Falls, TX
    Glad you got it fixed, I personally haven't had trouble with my radio ground but that doesn't mean it can't happen.
    2005 black Yukon XL SLT - traded in for me wife's new Fusion (GM sucks these days)
    2002 black Yukon SLT (the skinny sister)
    1969 green Pontiac GTO (Layla, AKA the black sheep)

    INSTALLS AND MORE.. http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...-low-life.html
    Sticky/broken gauges? I can help. PM me for details.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Maui, HI
    It probably wont happen to you cause I got the random "If it can happen then it will" thing going on.

    Looks like the original runs some 3 or 4ft over to the right corner?
    99 Silverado 1500 4x4 RC 4.8
    4L60E, 3.73, Homemade CAI, 92oct Quik tuned,
    08 Tahoe radiator/fans, Dumped exhaust... summed up one loud pig caller |[226K! on odometer|

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