I know without pictures, (i'll post them when i get a chance to actually take some) its hard to understand what i'm trying to explain, but there is about a 3/4 inch hose running down along my frame on my 06 2500hd from the gas tank.
it almost looks like is a garden hose, and its connected to i guess some type of sending unit that is on the back of the gas tank. I looked at a friends 2500 with the 6.0 and he has the same electrical unit, however it looks like the line he has is factory, and his runs up the passenger side of the tank, plus it looks like a steel line, as where mine comes around and runs along the driver side. Also this hose is hooked up with normal everyday hose clamps.
my first question is, what is this electronic device on the top back side of the gas tank, and I guess my second question is, what would be the reasoning for whoever owned the truck before me to re-route this line, and use this "garden hose" type line? I have not investigated any further underneath the truck just yet, but I figured i wanted to get a head start to see if anyone would know what i'm talking about.
btw, i've got the the 6.0l as well.
I"m going to look further into it tonight, but if anyone could give me any insight i would appreciate it.