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Thread: 94gmc 5.3 swap?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    i'm gonna try to have everything bolted togather this weekend and in the truck then figure out how to do the wiring i'm not good with wires but i'll figure it out

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Vortec 2000-2004
    check them out for your wiring needs. they seem to be the cheapest wiring harnesses i can find. they supposedly have one on ebay but the guy wont return any of my emails so ive decided not to deal with them at all.
    get some pics up soon i wanna see it.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by keveyj View Post
    i got a 94 gmc rcsb i want to swap in my 06 5.3l that has 50000km on it i changed the tb to cable already and have my 94 4l60 bolted up to it and my engine mounts from jcwhitney i was woundering what the cheapest way to finish my swap would be ? for harness and fuel i have the 06 pcm also

    Theres also another guy named Leonard who sells under the name of Chevy Thunder that make the harnesses.. I ordered one from him and it was very good in detail and directions.. It also included the PCM which most sellers try to jack you on but the total came out to $500.00 for everything including wiring for two fans, and alot of other extras that the other sellers were charging for like conections to the trans, etc..?.. He pops up every now and then so you will have to look for him as he is fully employed elsewhere too...

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