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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I'd like to get some feedback on how much others are spending to do the LS1swap into their chevy trucks . Of course , most of the people I've spoken with about this think I'm F'n crazy! Why would anyone spend $4 grand on an 11 year old truck when you can get something new ? ! Or buy an engine from a Transam that's obviously been dogged (this assumes that all sports cars have been driven hard ) ? I try to tell them that I'll have something unique and that 's better than your average bear . I estimate that I'll spend between $4500 and $5000 . I got the engine and trans with harness and computer for $2200 with about 80,000 miles . It runs great ( I drove the car before it was removed ) and the motor oil and transmission fluid look great . I know that I probably could've gotten a lower mileage engine if I'd had the time to look around more , but I didn't even know I was going to be doing this 6 weeks ago and now it's almost ready to start up (the old 4.3 died on april 4th) . I was undecided for 2 weeks about what to do with the truck . I only got the engine and installed it last weekend . I think I've made pretty good progress for a newbie .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Marcos Texas
    I spent just a bit over 5K to make it drivable. But of course with new mods!!! Try explaining a almost 25 year old truck! Anyway who care's what others think, you are the only one that has to live with and enjoy your ride. Tell them you are recycling. I love my truck and I'm sure you love yours too. As for mileage and doging, it doesn't seem to hurt the engines at all if they are well tuned and cared for. The transmissions are another story, but we'll save that one for later lol.
    2006 Superior Blue Trailblazer SS AWD, Stock as a rock

    Sold: 2002 GMC Sportside Denali front end with a 2002 LS1, FLT level 5, Yank 2600, Trick Turbo, T76, Nelson intercooler, 60LB injectors, Warbro fuel pump, Eaton locker, Magnaflow, 3.42, Nelson Performance Tuning (speed density).

    Sold: 1981 GMC LB RC 1500 2002 4.8L 4L60E 12 bolt 3.73 Richmond Lock Right AC PS Nelson Performance tuning

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    2002 WS6 Engine LS6 Block 241 heads, Trans 4L60E, all accessories, complete wiring, dual elec fans etc....$4,000.00
    Dual fuel line with corvette reg....$165.00
    Stainless fuel return lines....$100.00
    Headers w/shipping.....$600.00
    Stainless motor adapters.....Free custom made.
    Still need cam, springs/retainer, push rods, custom tune.

    Total so far.....$4865.00

    97 GMC, 2002 LS6.

    1991 GMC Syclone #1428

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Central FL
    I've been putting off adding it up ... but if I have to... lol

    2004 Silverado with only 2746 miles on it, 5.3 motor,
    trans, rad, cond, everything I wanted off the truck. We
    got it all even the cluster ....... ........................................$2500 +tax
    Installation parts/equipment, ( hoses, clamps, fuel pump, evap
    heater core, everything else .......................................... $946.53
    Nelson tune on stock PCM (hotrod tune)........................ $250.00
    Feel when it lays a stipe 3 gears long ............................ $Priceless

    Total : .................................................. ....................... $ 3696.53

    Cost of new Silverado at dealership (roughly).....................$35000.00

    I'm to the good I figure about ......................................... $31303.47
    Bottom line is no matter what people say about what you're doing to your truck they are just pissed cuz they can't or don't know how. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a new truck and having to pay for it for 5 or more years.

    Thanks again to Allen and everyone on this forum for your help and ideas. I got one more to do coming up on a 92 this time.

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