I will also be doing this in the future so some info and or pics would be nice.
I will also be doing this in the future so some info and or pics would be nice.
04 Z06 LS6- 230/232 cam, 4l60 w/ 3600 Yank
Lets see if I can remember how this goes... The computer tach signal works fine with an aftermarket tach, with the tach setting on 4 cylinder. The speedo signal from the computer works also, IF the computer output is reflashed for your particular rear gear ratio, tire diameter, etc. Oil pressure signal from the computer works perfect, as is, with an anolog aftermarket gauge. Same with the temperature. The fuel level is stand-alone with your truck & not tied into the computer. RedHeartBeat or NITROUS can correct my memory if I'm off on this info. These gauge questions have been asked so many times here, that it can definately be found with research as well. Good Luck with your project.