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Thread: New from Texas

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mesa, AZ
    Truck is sweet dude! Lets see some pics of the motor!

    I have a female pit as well...looks nothing like a "normal" pit so when people see her and fall in love with her then ask what kind of dog she is...pit...they FLIP out for some reason and are like WHAT THE!!!!!!! Why didnt you tell me she was a pit?
    99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned

  2. #12
    Slowest damn truck on the site....

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Heres a under hood pic.. Its pretty basic, but I'm going to somewhat rework the whole truck here in a couple months..
    Attached Images

    81 bagged shortwide: LS1/4L60e, porterbuilt crossmember, ART arms, back halfed, bagged on 22x8 22x12 intro V-rods.
    78 chevy swb: LQ4 tr-224 cam, longtubes, LS6 intake, 4L80e-3500 stall, 4:10, 325/50/15 bfg drag radials on 15x10 rallies
    03 dodge 2500 4x4 (tow pig) 6" superlift 22x14 and 37's
    94 exswb chevy LQ9 w/ L92's, with 4L80E in the works...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    kainzien, what headers are you running on your ls1? i'm trying to find some that will work on my truck at the momment, 83 SWB.

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