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Thread: Am I asking for trouble

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Am I asking for trouble

    As a christmas gift to myself I was really thinking of doing a modified tb TC from Circle D, a Vette servo, and maybe a hd-2 shift kit. With my transmission having 120K on the ticker am I just asking for trouble doing these kind of mods? I know I'll need to get Nelson to back the line pressures back down. Would I be smarter just installing the TC or just the TC and Vette Servo?


  2. #2
    ff_jeff Guest
    look at it this way. Eventually, the transmission will break down. IMO I would rebuild it before you put the stall in. I have heard that stock transmissions don't like shift kits and stalls. If it breaks after you put the stall in, you'll be stuck wherever your at. If you rebuild the tranny first with performance stuff, you'll decrease the likelyhood of a breakdown.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    The trans mods won't kill it.....poor design, time, abuse, weight, power, mileage, wear and tear will. We'll need to chip in for a crystal ball to know for sure the fate of your trans.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Well lets see.
    Poor Design - I wouldn't say poor just a little weak for its application
    Time - 6 years (Check)
    Abuse - Running it at the track, doing a burnout two nights ago w/ 7 people in the truck, (Check)
    Weight - 5400lbs (Check)
    Mileage - 122K (Check)
    Wear and Tear - Luckily its spent most of its miles on the Highway driven by an older man

    So 4 out of 6 lol. We have a really good transmission guy down the street, if I took it to him, would his crystal ball be less cloudy than mine?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Texas
    If he has one run away.

    No one can predict the lifespan of these parts. I see stone stock stuff fly apart for no reason and heavy modded stuff pushing stock support parts that won't die too...

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