txarkitekt, ----The 4.8 in the old truck is stock (besides ls1 block huggers)in case i wanna swap it back to sell the 00 with the orginal motor... 4.8L to 5.3 is pretty much interchangeable...(injectors and elec throtle body and computer) all i had to change..The 00 has a 03 5.3L tahoe motor in it...Its not stock...got a little cam in it..Some guy had it in a tahoe with a street fighter tq conver in the tranny...i got it as well...I hate to put a 5.3L in the old truck on the stock suspension....those susp wernt made that well
SCIV -----its hard to get the stance down on 22" wheels....it looks "normal" with my factory 16 on it... anything smaller wont clear the disc brakes in the front...