That setup he wants to do is going to be the slowest longest most drawn out build ever so I may actually get the chance to sell my jeep and buy a truck and beat him b4 its said and done haha
That setup he wants to do is going to be the slowest longest most drawn out build ever so I may actually get the chance to sell my jeep and buy a truck and beat him b4 its said and done haha
Chase is in California
99RCSB Broke because I wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on my truck.
Dont act like I wont be done before you get back fagel. You and I both know that its going to be done within a year. Im shooting for like 6-8 months at that. So you can sell your jeep and get the $.o1 its worth. But know that by the time you get back I will be smokin fools out on the streets. And the track.
T-RAV99 GMC | 5.3 | Skinny White Guy Tuned