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Thread: is this a good cam for NA and N2O ???

  1. #11
    Slimsilverado Guest
    Yea i feel ya on that Jeff i like a rumble at idle.... The GTE2-3 cam has 207 / 220 with 571 / 578 with 118.5 lsa... That cam would idle like a pussy cat the question is good is 118.5lsa for spray??? Would the big lsa make a difference once the N2O is applied?

  2. #12
    ff_jeff Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Slimsilverado View Post
    Yea i feel ya on that Jeff i like a rumble at idle.... The GTE2-3 cam has 207 / 220 with 571 / 578 with 118.5 lsa... That cam would idle like a pussy cat the question is good is 118.5lsa for spray??? Would the big lsa make a difference once the N2O is applied?
    From what I have learned from nitrous is, Get a cam for NA. Because the nitrous will still work great, but most of they time youll be NA. So I feel its better to make more power with the cam, than a little more with the nitrous.
    I think Virgils old cam was good for nitrous. But without spray Daniel was faster I think, because his cam was a little better NA. I was told a lower LSA is better for spray, but I dunno.
    Last edited by ff_jeff; 10-03-2008 at 10:28 AM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mesquite, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by ff_jeff View Post
    From what I have learned from nitrous is, Get a cam for NA. Because the nitrous will still work great, but most of they time youll be NA. So I feel its better to make more power with the cam, than a little more with the nitrous.
    I think Virgils old cam was good for nitrous. But without spray Daniel was faster I think, because his cam was a little better NA.

    yes when i went from my stock cam i was running a 250 shot and running a 7.75 was my best 1/8th ut the cam in and went 7.83 on a 125 shot and 7.50 on a 200 from cam alone...but the motor only times stayed the same 9.0 before and after the cam....keeping the 114 will still keep it good on motor and it will love the spray, which is one reason i told G to get that cam
    2006 silverado SS....Clifford Jr...turbo coming soon
    1970 Chevelle ly6 swap....d1 coming soon

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008
    go with a 216-222 intake, I did ALOT of looking and researching to finally pick my cam for my 5.3... then I got a 6.0 and now I want something a little bigger. everyone with the tr220 and tsp220 I've seen are happy with the results, while i've seen people go to the same cam you were looking at and didn't like the results as much.
    s10 with 4l60e and cammed 5.3 on the road!THREAD
    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.".

  5. #15
    Slimsilverado Guest
    cam suggestions then anybody???

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Kilgore, TX 75662
    Quote Originally Posted by Slimsilverado View Post
    Yea i feel ya on that Jeff i like a rumble at idle.... The GTE2-3 cam has 207 / 220 with 571 / 578 with 118.5 lsa... That cam would idle like a pussy cat the question is good is 118.5lsa for spray??? Would the big lsa make a difference once the N2O is applied?
    To get the most out of the nitrous, you want to keep as much of it in the cylinder as you can. To do this, you need a wide LSA. 118.5 is very wide!

    For a naturally aspirated cam, you want a much tighter LSA.

    Since it isn't a daily driver, I would not hesitate to go with at least a 3600 stall and 4.56 gears (since most trucks have relatively tall tires.) For a stock head 5.3L non-daily driver that wants to occasionally spray, consider something with the intake duration around 220 degrees and an exhaust duration over 230.

    This would work very well. LS1-GT7 208 / 230 .554" / .546" 1.7 ratio 121 LSA
    The Thunder Racing TR Blower cam or CheaTR or LS2 CheaTR would work well also.
    Last edited by AdioSS; 10-03-2008 at 01:12 PM.

  7. #17
    ff_jeff Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by AdioSS View Post
    To get the most out of the nitrous, you want to keep as much of it in the cylinder as you can. To do this, you need a wide LSA. 118.5 is very wide!

    For a naturally aspirated cam, you want a much tighter LSA.

    Since it isn't a daily driver, I would not hesitate to go with at least a 3600 stall and 4.56 gears (since most trucks have relatively tall tires.) For a stock head 5.3L non-daily driver that wants to occasionally spray, consider something with the intake duration around 220 degrees and an exhaust duration over 230.

    This would work very well. LS1-GT7 208 / 230 .554" / .546" 1.7 ratio 121 LSA
    The Thunder Racing TR Blower cam or CheaTR or LS2 CheaTR would work well also.
    Another thing to keep in mind is when you spray, you want as little backpressure in the exhaust as possible. IF you put a high flow exhaust on, you could see like 20hp more with nitrous than a less free flow system. Here is a link on a good read Nitrous Tuning Tactics - Popular Hot Rodding Magazine

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