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Thread: is this a good cam for NA and N2O ???

  1. #1
    Slimsilverado Guest

    Question is this a good cam for NA and N2O ???

    thinking of putting this in my 5.3L comp xer273hr 224/230 .581/.588 114 lsa all you smart ass chime in please. Just looking for good NA cam that will shine once the N2O is applied.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    IMO, that's too much cam for stock 5.3 heads and juice. I would stick with a cam that has 8-10 degrees less intake duration, like the Crane 216/224 0.551 115, especially since you don't have a high-stall converter. And since you also don't have headers, I would probably go with TR's Old Man cam, which has more exhaust duration and a little higher lift.

    Nitrous should be treated similar to forced induction - keep the LSA a little on the wide side and get the exhaust valve open early to increase blowdown. That will improve exhaust flow and help reduce pumping losses.

  3. #3
    Slimsilverado Guest
    Stall and headers would join the cam upon install...... Any suggestions??? G's cam is freaking huge and he has stock heads..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Kilgore, TX 75662
    I think it would work well, but you might like less intake duration and the same or slightly more exhaust duration. I would consider a tighter LSA also.

    Unless you plan on spraying more than a 400hp shot, then don't even worry about picking the cam for nitrous.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Putting a huge cam in an engine does not necessarily mean you will gain huge power. It's better to create an engine where the components are synergistic. Case in point: check out the link below. It's an article using an LS2 engine comparing various cams and heads. An LS2 head flows similarly to an LS6 head, which is significantly more than your 5.3 head.

    With the stock cam (204/211 0.525 116) and heads, the engine made 400 HP.
    With a 218/220 0.570 114 cam and stock heads, it made 494 HP.
    With a 232/236 0.600 114 cam and stock heads, it made 500 HP.

    Even though the last cam was much bigger, it only made 6 more HP. The heads just couldn't flow enough air to support the cam. Your heads will give up sooner, probably in the 220-224 range. Add nitrous to the mix and the problem gets worse. That's why I suggested cams in the 214-216 range.

    It's always better to pick a cam that works in your engine, not one that sounds good when you talk to your buddies.

    LS2 engine tests stage one and two - cams and heads - GM High Tech Performance

  6. #6
    Slimsilverado Guest
    how about a ls6 cam.. i think its a 206 / 218 with 551 lift with 117.5 lsa ???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Close. It's 204/218 0.551/0.547 117. Because it has a smaller base circle, it requires longer push rods and uses a late intake valve closing to extend the RPM range into the mid 6000's. There are better choices for your truck.

    Why don't you give us a better idea of what you're trying to accomplish. We could then recommend an appropriate cam that would work for you.
    Last edited by Madd Maxx; 10-03-2008 at 02:46 AM.

  8. #8
    Slimsilverado Guest
    well its not a daily driver anymore... I want it to pull up to atleast 6k, was thinking around 2600 - 3000 stall. Its just a toy so i want it to be fast as it can be but still be reasonable to drive.... O yea and leave Mustangs behind..... will be keeping the stock heads on it, will add headers n ory once cam goes in, will add spray later on after cam is installed...looking for around 325hp once cam is in, and wanting to spray 100 - 150 hp...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    DFW, TX
    LPE GT2-3 and use at least a 3000 yank and a 150 shot....

    that exact combo powered a 6.0 TBSS to an 11.59 at ennis........

    LPE's cam grinds offer less duration MORE SPLIT and more lift and have proven to be the BEST LOW and MID TQ building cams on the market.....the GT2-2 and GT2-3 are without a doubt the best ALL AROUND, stock idling, stock driving stump pulling cams EVER MADE.......
    "old age and treachery will always overcome youth and ambition"
    author unknown

  10. #10
    ff_jeff Guest
    I think the cam will be Great, Brian. If it were me though I would get a 110 or 112 lsa. I like the lopey idle though.

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