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Thread: Turbo or Procharge?????

  1. #1

    Turbo or Procharge?????

    I have a 5.3L Chevy single cab shortbed fourwheel drive. Im trying to decide if i want to turbo or procharge. Daily driver, reliability is a must. Any suggestions? And what all would i need for either one. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Austin Tx.
    front mount FTW
    1951 3100
    1984 C10

  3. #3
    Turbo only. No broken belts. No belts to have to change. No pulleys to change to get more HP. I put a front mount on my truck and it will embaress my wifes TBSS now. The SS has smoked a lightning or 2 so its not to shabby. The SS feels so slow now that I have real power.
    99RCSB Broke because I wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on my truck.

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