hey guys does anyone know where the stock temp unit is located on my 4.3 its a 1998. i figured itd be on the head somewhere? but im not seeing it? thanks!
hey guys does anyone know where the stock temp unit is located on my 4.3 its a 1998. i figured itd be on the head somewhere? but im not seeing it? thanks!
Intake manifold, next to the thermostat housing? To the driver side of it normally.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
hmm i might have to look at a diagram or something i duno what it looks like. im only asking because i need to tap my passenger side head on my 5.3 for the new temp senor unit adapter from S&P and then attach the temp sensor to it correct?
if you got a 12mm adapter from S&P you should be able to pull the plug that is screwed into the block on the passenger side head and replace it with the adapter. Don't install it permanently until you put the engine in the truck. You could tap the water pump housing and install the original sensor in it. The right rear of the engine is really crowded for room once its installed in the truck.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
the sensor for the gauge is drivers side head
true, the LSx sensor is there but he's adding a secondary sensor for his 98 gauge.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
maybe im confused but i thought he was hooking up the temp gauge not for the puter
the one for the LSx PCM is in the front of the driver side head. There is a blank hole in the rear of the passenger side head for an extra sensor if needed during a conversion to signal the factory gauges. I'm not exactly sure if the 98 needs an analog signal to the dash for the water temp, though. I was thinking the 98 Vortec dash was digital but I'm not the least bit sure of the V6 dash. Most of them were analog in earlier models. You have to have the LSx gauge in the engine and hooked to the PCM or you get codes and the engine runs like crap.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
i know what ur saying on my 98 i taped the pass side head for the sending unit for my gauge
yes exactly what im doing is removing the plug from the passenger side head on my 5.3 and drilling and tapping it for the S&P adapter so i can put the temp sensor from the 4.3 on it so my factory gauges work. im just not sure what the 4.3 temp unit looks like? you said its on the intake? i was under the impression that i had to leave the stock temp unit in the 5.3 and hook that up aswell for the computer to work correctly but and in having 2 the motor would run fine and id get to have my dash read correctly. same with the oil pressure sensor that i had to swap. maybe ill take a pic of the 4.3 and someone can draw a red arrow in paint to the piece i need to remove cuz evidently im special. i figured itd be in one of the head like the 5.3 but its not.