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Thread: 6.0 build up with whipple supercharger

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    6.0 build up with whipple supercharger

    Hi everyone im new to the forum, but not to silverados! Well i have a 2006 silverado rcsb 2wd with a 5.3. I have a whipple supercharger on it right now with 8psi, and I believe I cooked my 4l60 The other day. I figured it was only a matter of time. I punched it on the highway and I felt it slip and now it makes a funny noise and a small shutter going from 2nd to 3rd. So heres my situation Me and my father own an autobody so i can get my hands on pretty much any wreck i want very cheap. So i know its time to do a 4l80 swap. My plan is to grab like a 05 3/4 ton thats wrecked and take the tranny out of that, and i figured while im at it i might as well do a 6.0 swap. As i said before i have a nice shiny whipple supercharger that will bolt right up to the 6 liter engine. I want do some work to the engine before i do the swap but i don't know too much about after market parts for LS engines, so maybe some of you fine Gents can help me. I basically want to make a nice 8:1 setup and run as much boost as i can. Can anyone recommend a good crank, rods, pistons that can handle some serious boost. Also can the stock top end handle that kind of power. I know ill have to get some bigger injectors, but im trying to do this on some what of a budget. Depending on how much boost i run im looking to be in the 5-600 hp range. Sorry for the long post but any helps would be much appreciated thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Oshkosh, WI
    I'm runing a fully forged Eagle rotating assembly, forged 8.4:1 JE pistons, custom ground Comp Cam. You going to start LS1 or LQ9? I'm using GM Performance L92 heads. We redid them with better double springs and full roller assembly. I'm at mid 600's at the rear wheel.

  3. #3
    Welcome fellow whipple owner. I bet you have not had it a long time. I also bet that you have not relocated your Intake air temp sesor. Check out some posts on this and other sites.
    My tracks times with my Vortech, Whipple, and stock - SilveradoSS.com


    Crank Shaft Pulley Pinning - SilveradoSS.com

    Lots of good info here. Hope it helps you make more Power.
    99RCSB Broke because I wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on my truck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Thanks for the responses, Rich how much boost are you running, or are you even supercharged. also im gonna be starting with just a lq4 out of a silverado. Zeake Ive had my truck about 6 months, and im not running any of the whipple computers, my truck is the flex fuel model and because of that it had big enough injectors that it could easily handle the charger i will have to go through your links and check them out thanks for the help, and i do need to pin my pulleys cause it keeps slipping no matter how good i put it in there so that will be on the to do list

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Oshkosh, WI
    I have a pinning jig from ATI Performance Products. It worked great but the drill bits it came with are terrible, I ended up dropping the cash for a couple solid carbide ones. I think they were like $20 each and I broke one. The crank can be drilled from the bottom with the skidplate off the truck. I also upgraded to the ARP LS crank bolt. One thing to note is that GM performance reccomends only using the crank bolt for one tightening. After that you should replace it with a new one. Pretty expensive if you ask me they must have stock in the company that makes those bolts..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Oshkosh, WI
    I have pulleys for 12 to 22 psi, I got my engine 3 bar tuned so I can run all of them. I am planning on running the 12 on the road unless I get beat by someone of course and the 22 on the road.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I checked the eagle website and i cant seem to find anything for a 6.0 they have ls1 ls2 ls6 and conventional chevy engine what should i be looking under to find a forged rotating assembly for a lq4

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