I've got the factory manual but if you have it electronic I know he'd appreciate it.
I've got the factory manual but if you have it electronic I know he'd appreciate it.
97 GMC, 2002 LS6.
1991 GMC Syclone #1428
It would be great if someone had it in e-form.
My confusion on the tach and speedo stems from reading that the old computer controls the speedo, and I assumed that both pcms needed the signal.
I have some materials coming from S&P, and hopefully they will line me out a little more. I am positive that everything will start to make more sense if I just pull the truck into my shop and get started.
I think I'm making a bigger deal out of it than it will turn out to be, but I'd rather be overprepared than get into it and find out I should have asked more questions. I never found a ~great~ writeup on this, so once I figure it all out I will try to put it all together in a way that really explains what you are trying to accomplish as far as which computer will control what etc.
When you're done and have it all figured out you could write up a detailed e-form of how you did your wiring for the next guy and he will be greatful.I'm not too good at doing it while I'm doing the work, I usually write them up after the fact from memory, kind of like when I do my LS2 intake install.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709
Writeups like yours make the mechanical aspect as easy as could be by explaining what all needs to change and even how a person should go about it. I've worked on several projects of that nature before, and the specifics you provided about this particular swap make it child's play. You and S&P make sure there are virtually no hangups to that side of it, and I'd like to get a wiring writeup that gets as close to that as I can. Granted it varies so much between vehicles and engines that it can only do so much, but I'd like to help the people like us that just want to know what is entailed in doing it yourself.
I've done the LS2 intake swap if you run into problems. It's pretty straight forward though. Seems nobody can post a decent writeup about the swap without people ruining the thread by talking about they should have just gone LS6.