there is no street racing.... just people stopping and going quickly.... street racing is illegal
there is no street racing.... just people stopping and going quickly.... street racing is illegal
sprayedenali: i like catching, but not fishing
DBTBSS: bring Tyler... we need someone to make fun of
MidnightRider: your right im gay
DamnYankee: my nana failed
DamnYankee: confused...if it can't keep up to begin with, how can it keep up
mitch cobb racing: ya, allen played with it for a while, HUGE difference
anyone goin tonight.... i will be thurre
sprayedenali: i like catching, but not fishing
DBTBSS: bring Tyler... we need someone to make fun of
MidnightRider: your right im gay
DamnYankee: my nana failed
DamnYankee: confused...if it can't keep up to begin with, how can it keep up
mitch cobb racing: ya, allen played with it for a while, HUGE difference
I plan on being there Wed night after I get my turkeys set in their brine. May end up putting up the X-mas lights too before the weather goes to crap.