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Thread: t56 6 speed questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sour Lake Tx
    Has anyone seen the t 56 six speeds from keisler auto? Where you can choose the shifter location. Does anyone have one of these. I saw the 6 speed conversion in one of the posts and the shifter was way the hell back. You would have to use bucket seats. Does anyone recomend one of these? 3000 and you can get the whole kit for a truck to handle like 475 hp. I think the kit includes everything you need even the driveshaft. What do the t 56's usually run from a salvage yard? Is the shifter location that far back all that bad? Or is there a conversion kit to retrofit a stock t 56 to front shift? Sorry i ask so many damn questions

    RIP 2005 VHO ecsb 6.0HO, Comp Cam, Nelson Tune, OBX LT's.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    they are $2700 new from GM according to Jason Cromer. ebay has em for around 1200 used. rebuilds are expensive...i think a lot have stood up to 475hp stock other than clutch/hydraulics.
    Hugger Orange 99 SS Hardtop #756
    485rwhp/440rwtq SAE


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do you have more info to this one where you can move the shifter location closer to the engine? I may seriously consider this.... i just want it moved up a bit, that location it's in won't be ideal for my custom console i will build someday. haha.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sour Lake Tx
    Go to this web site its not a hyperlink i dont know how to put those on here or if i can even put a hyperlink to a differant website on here.
    www.keislerauto.com If you go to the kits for the truck and scroll down right below the prices it has a link for a brand new generic t 56 that offers front shift. They have it kind of small, i guess they dont want you to find it. I think they want like 2499.00 or so. If you do get it let me know what you think. Do you have the t 56 in your truck now? Is it really in a bad position to shift or just bad for a console? I personally dont think the 2500 is worth it unless you were going to buy a new one anyway. But i dont know you might be made out of money too.

    RIP 2005 VHO ecsb 6.0HO, Comp Cam, Nelson Tune, OBX LT's.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I have a 1995 chevy s10 that im putting a ls1 and t56 6 speed in and the shifter on that one is in the back location and it will come up in the cup holders of a stock s10 center console.

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