ok, ive been reading, and reading..and thinking and thinking..ive got a ls1 i want to put into my 88 4x4, ive dont ls1 swaps, just into other ls1 cars but still have a lil experience with them..im trying to decide on what i need to get as far as parts..currently it has the 700r tranny, i would like to just get the crank adapter kit and use my tranny as its been good to me.my stock computer is out of the truck and all my guages still work..ill have to figure out them later. Im just worried about getting the stuff to put in in right now. Any of you used the sbc to ls1 mounts in a 4x and had any alighment issue with the t-case etc? Also,. what about the aceessories, im assuming you have to notch the frame or do some special bracket? (for AC). I will need to souce a compressor and such i was just about to buy bc mine took a shit, but now ill wait and get a ls1 style since thats whats going in it. I currenlty have no accessories on the ls1, its just a block and heads..no intake, fuel rail nothing..i have to start from scratch..so i need to know what the best way to go as far as oil pan and accessories are concerned..the engine is out of a camaro. ob by the way, im going carb since i have a good fuel system for a carb, and my engine will have no computer, harness, maf, intake, fuel rails, nothing.
thanks matt