Quote Originally Posted by Jeebalow View Post
I'll reply to your PM here so the info isn't hidden and someone that searches can see it.

The drac on my 95 doesn't have those colors and I am willing to bet yours doesn't either. Here is what the wire colors for mine (95 C1500) are and what they do

Dark blue - to 95 PCM
Dark green - to gauge cluster and spare cavity convenience center
White - brake pressure modulator
Purple/white - VSS in
Brown - to 95 PCM
Pink - Fuse 4 (Gauges)
Black/white - Ground
Green/black - VSS in
Dark green/white - cruise control module and stereo

So if you just want to get the speedo working you can splice into the dark green wire anywhere along the wire. You can do it at the drac or behind the cluster.

Here's what I did. I took the dark green/white and dark green wire and spliced those together and connected them to the dark green speed wire from the LS PCM. So both speedo and cruise control module get speed signal. I am assuming that they both use the same signal and that these were the red/black and lt blue/black wires they spliced together, but am not 100% sure yet. I still haven't gotten the truck on the road to verify whether this works. I guess we'll find out soon enough. Feel free to give it a shot and let us know if it does work.
awesome man thanks for the clarification! Ill pull the drac harness out toning and take a look at it...im still about 2-3 months away from firing it up. Just sent the L92 heads off my LY6 to TEA to get a little work done