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Thread: 99-07 4WD Front Coilover Conversion

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Tuscaloosa, AL

    99-07 4WD Front Coilover Conversion

    I have been making these for a while and have a lot of guys using them but realized I never posted anything about it on this forum. I figured some of you guys might be interested. I posted about this on PT, GMFS, and TYF so there have many discussions on the subject.
    My build first coilover thread:
    My purchase thread:
    Iregret build thread:
    Thread that gave me the idea and good for 2500 guys:
    My initial thread seeking interest:
    Tahoewhat review and user guide **very detailed**:
    04blackout review and build thread:
    Initial thread:

    They are brackets I make so you can bolt on a set of coilovers in place of the torsion bars on 99-07 gmt800 4wd trucks and 2wd/4wd suvs. I use my truck for racing and they work very well in that regard, but a lot of the tahoe guys just wanted a better ride and they work well in that too. The ride using coilovers is tremendously better, especially considering I had to use limiting straps to keep the front end under control before with the torsion bars.

    I put my write up into PDF format, but I cant upload to this site due to a size limitation so I hosted them on this site:

    If you are interested in buying some send me a message and I can get you taken care of. I currently charge $180 shipped for a set of uppers or lowers with hardware, and $320 shipped for both uppers and lowers. Total cost of this swap is usually $700-$800 depending on where you buy and what parts you use. Check out the 2 PDFs above for more detail.

    Heres a couple teasers:

    Heres a street launch video,

    Let me know if you have any questions!
    Last edited by Atomic; 06-11-2014 at 05:02 PM.

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