he doesn't invent cam lobe profiles, lift amounts and durations, he just recommends ones that work to people that lack the knowledge to properly select a camshaft. He obviously has cam data software and knows how to use it, plus he has feedback from his customers. Anyone can do what he is doing if they invest the time to learn how to do what he is doing. He is providing a service to those that don't know camshafts and how they work. People have to eat and I respect that, I feel he charges a fair rate for what he does. Many companies like Thunder have a base group of cams they try to push on their customers rather than trying to spec the best cam they can for a given vehicle application. I believe Pat G works for the customer, not the company since he is only selling his knowledge not a material item, AKA a camshaft. Have you used COMP's cam selection software? It's pretty cool but doesn't cover everything and it only recommends their shelf spec cams.