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Thread: Diy aux input on a factory radio

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    Diy aux input on a factory radio

    BACKGROUND: when using my "truckputer" when driving a distance, my fm transmitter would fade in and out and i would get interference and have to adjust fm frequencies to compensate for different local radio stations. i also want to keep the factory radio because i like my steering wheel controls. This is a problem because the factory radio has on AUX inputs
    SOLUTION: wire a aux input into factory radio
    WHY BUILD IT: because i can and 20 minutes +under 10$=80$-150$ part
    **the starting point of this DIY is assuming that you have the radio all ready out of the dash and sitting in front of you**
    ***I take no responsibility’s of ANYTHING you do to your truck/ do this at your own risk***

    Lets get started.
    this is the radio I preformed the mod to its the OEM unit from my 04 Silverado rcsb. the part number and other identifiers are in the pics

    we'll start by flipping the radio over to the bottom (cd drive facing down) and using a flat blade screw driver to gently pry along the perimeter of the bottom plate until you can lift the back (back=by radio connections from truck) in the direction of the face plate and then remove it

    then we remove the 4 screws that hold in the tape deck
    Last edited by beingblueeyes; 05-02-2011 at 11:48 AM.

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