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Thread: 18k miles 2nd 60e messed up

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  1. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    jon does not have a stock 80e, while its not a crazy built one like mine is. Century Auto in Richmond built mine and thats who also built my allison, IMO they are better than FLT from what i have heard about them on the internet. Century has amazing customer service and insane turn around time he built mine in under 48hrs and it has alot of work in it. Its always nice to have a trans built local because if you have issues you can take the truck there. Oh rickys truck has a stock 80e and has had it for years now on that 6.0 and he beats the piss out of that thing

    edit: price i payed 1200 for a new unbuilt one then took it to century
    Last edited by 408.Luke; 12-20-2010 at 06:12 PM.
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