A buddy of mines family member recently lost a new born child due to some drunk running through her house.

Driver Crashes Into House, Kills Baby - Houston News Story - KPRC Houston

Just recently she goes back to her home only to find that someone stole everything from her house.

Texas Truck Scene - Powered by vBulletin is holding a car and truck show for her family. All benefits will go to her family.

Heres a copy and paste from TTS. Im trying to spread the word.

Link to thread: We need to come together... - Texas Truck Scene

Ok So here is what I have.

What : Benefit Carshow for Elizabeth Castilla & Family

When : Sunday, May 23rd (registration starts at 10am)
Where : 4135 Stacy Rd. Houston, TX 77084
Entry Fee : $15 to show, $5 spectator fee (All day wristband)

We will have fun stuff for kids, Great food, and DJ entertainment

There will be 8 awards given out.

Best Show Truck
Best Show Car
Best Street Car
Best Street Truck
Best Off Road
Under Construction
Best SUV
Best Motorcycle (maybe)

Winners will win a plaque, and a photoshoot from yours truly (ChevyDreamz) on the day of the event or scheduled after.

Most of all we are doing this to help a family get back on their feet after a tragic accident and the loss of our dear Elizabeth Castilla.

If you you guys have any other suggestions please feel free to post.

Thanks guys,