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Thread: LQ4 intake swap for a 4 bolt 90 mm TB

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Lafayette, La.
    Ok. Found another problem. After I fillup the truck, it takes several times turning over before it will finally start. It only happens after I open the fuel cap and fillup. I know that your vehicle will run differently if the cap is loose or off but it not wanting to start is something different. I have not tried the LS3 throttle body yet but it should be in today. That might clear it up but may not. Any suggestions? This has only been happening since I swapped intakes & TB's. I swapped TB's and installed the LS3 and it did not clear up the stumbling at startup. Kinda puzzled at this point. Don't know what is causing these problems. It runs fine otherwise (thru all gears at wot now with the LS3 tb) but it is aggravating that it stumbles almost to dying every time that I start it and will not start after filling up.
    Last edited by genXhunter; 05-08-2010 at 02:39 PM.
    2006 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab Z-71 5.3L, Custom Tune, Volant CAI, 4.10 gears, pacesetter LT's, Y-pipe, high flow cats, comp cam 202/212 500/507 cam, magnaflow muffler, msd coil packs, 1.8 rockers, 31lb injectors

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