Holy crap.
Some one will be using this info for certain. This will be my next cam for sure. You will need a few things to make it work. See bold info at the bottom. Not sure how much the extras are but it cant be too much.

I took the info below from lingenfelter.com
This is the GM factory 2009-2010 LS9 ZR1 camshaft that works excellent in many supercharged or turbocharged applications. The LS9 camshaft is 211/230 @.050 valve lift and .558/.552 lift with 1.7 rockers and a 122.5 centerline.

Before the LS9 was introduced LPE used the GT7 camshaft that John Lingenfelter designed in 2001 to be the perfect camshaft for boosted LSx applications. The GT7 was 208/230 @.050 valve lift and .554/.546 and 121 center line this camshaft produced excellent power and still had great street driveablity. In 2009 GM introduced the LS9 in the C6 ZR1 supercharged Corvette engine. After comparing specifications on the camshaft and finding out how economical this is due to it being mass produced Lingenfelter discontinued the GT7 and started using the LS9 in supercharged or turbocharged applications.

The LS9 camshaft is a 3 bolt design and will use the Lingenfelter 3 bolt cam conversion kit if you are installing it in a single bolt application like the 2007 – 2010 LS2 or LS3. If you are installing it in an earlier LS1 or LS6 engine with the cam sensor at the back of the engine you will need a 2005 LS2 front cover, 2005 1x cam sprocket, camshaft extension harness, 2005 LS2 chain dampner.