I have a 2001 Chevy 1500 2wd auto v6. AAMCO did the transmission rebuild a few months ago. It took them 2 try's to get it right and I think I'm still having some issues. The truck didn't move for a few weeks due to a bad fuel pump, now that's fixed it doesn't feel right while driving on the frw. If I'm not loosing my mind, I thought that the truck, while at 70mph would be in OD @ 1,500 rpm. Now, after the the replacement of the fuel pump, I'm 70mph @ 2,000 + rpm and I can't feel it kick into OD. I know the fuel pump has nothing to do with the change, but that's when I noticed the difference.

Do you guys have any ideas? The transmission is still under warranty with AAMCO but I trust them now as far as I can throw them. So I wanted to ask you guys first and get some ideas.

I put the OBII on and I'm showing 0 codes.

