I am trying to get everything buttoned up on my motor this week so my tuner can come over on Saturday for a test fire, and I thought I had the pcv setup down pat when I went over to my friend's house who has an LS1 and looked at his. His LS1 had a nipple on the driver side valve cover, which ran a hose behind the intake to another nipple on the back end of the passenger side valve cover, and then a 2nd nipple on the passenger side cover (front end) ran to a catch can then to an outlet on the intake manifold right behind the throttle body. Looked simple...Then I went back to my block and noticed my passenger side valve cover has only ONE nipple on it, the forward most one that goes to the catch can. So now I'm not sure what you're supposed to do with truck motors/valve covers. What do you run to the driver side valve cover? I did see an outlet on the intake on the drivers side, about symmetrical to the outlet on the passenger side. Are you supposed to run a hose from the intake all the way to the back end of the driver side cover, and then just run the one hose from the passenger side cover to a catch can and back into the intake?
Pictures for reference:
Passenger side valve cover (only one nipple)
Passenger side cover again, with the catch can
The other outlet on the intake manifold I was talking about