Quote Originally Posted by Chavy View Post
Black 7" color headrest screen removed from frame and mounted to Black GPS adjustable/swivel window mount near rear view mirror attached with coax ran under frame to Black bullet Infrared LED camera mounted in modified Black plastic receiver plug fitted into hole above receiver hole.

Screen - $100 Frys
Camera - $50 Frys
GPS adjustable/swivel window mount - $25 Frys
Plastic Receiver plug - $5.00 Walmart
Coax/RGB adapters
Cable Ties

Screen and camera are wired to come on and off with Reverse. Also screen has a second video input....so just for grins.....next is a small solid state hard drive computer under dash with added wireless flexible silicon keyboard and wireless ball mouse on center console for full-time HPT.
Good prices and sounds kool but where are the pics man. You are holding out on us.
Seriously pics would help me figure out where to install.