also look at it like you really need someone in your life or can you just have a solid friendship? best way to be from what i learned is you have to be truely happy with yourself. And realize that you dont need someone in your life to make you happy. you need to find your innerself and see who that is before you can want the passion of another soul. it sounds like alot of bs but its true. Ive been single for over year now and things make more sense now and my views on relaitonships before are totally different then they are now. You dont truely need someone to make yourself happy. you need yoursef and friends. once you are totally happy with your life [school, education, money,family, living status, vehicle, toys and etc] then that is when you could seriously consider another relationship. Also finding another person to occupy your time cause you feel lonely is only going to lea to failure once again. save yourself mental fatigue and make yourself truely happy.