I have been trying different Pcv setups, and ever since I put the breather filters on, I have noticed a waxy oily buildup on the breather filter. looks like leftover cooking grease. There isn't a lot of it, but it has become clear that I need a catch can. I go to check the oil tonight and I about crapped myself. I spotted a little bit of milk on the end of the dipstick. First thing I thought was, blown head gasket. I looked at the fill cap and it had a little yellow on it. I looked at the coolant and its fine.
I looked around on the Net and found that sudden cooler weather can cause this. temp dropped about 30 degrees. And having the little filters could let condensation in as well.
I also read it might be crappy oil. I brought the dipstick inside to get a pic of it and the milky went away. tried again and it did the same thing.
WTF?!?!?! I'm sure its something stupid, but lately i keep getting false alarms. I'm thinking a catch can will fix it, but what do y'all think?