I though I would share a little bit of the non-performance side of my truck. This project has been going on for quite some time now and I am still definitely not done...

Here goes to the start of deadening my 02 Z71. Lots of deadening going in.

155 Sq ft. Raammat
5 or 6 Yards Ensolite
5 gallons and 1 quart of Spectrum

GM's way of trying to stop you from removing the rear bolts on the front seats an 11mm 12 point did the trick. Also the front nuts on the front seat are removable with 15mm 12 point.

Carpet is not so clean lol

When I saw this clip for the first time I thought "I'll come at you like a spider monkey!"

The rear light needs to be removed before dropping the headliner to disconnect the light