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Thread: 8.1L in 78’ K10: Dual tank switch valve woes

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    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Pueblo, CO

    8.1L in 78’ K10: Dual tank switch valve woes

    Hello, I am new around here.

    I just completed an 8.1L swap into a 1978 Chevrolet K10 running on an MEFI-4b engine controller and a frame mounted electric fuel pump. I am having an issue with the dual fuel tank switch valve causing a restriction on the fuel return side which results in extremely high fuel pressure. Once the switch valve is bypassed the fuel pressure runs normal (38 to 44 psi is normal for a MEFI-4 controlled engine).

    Has anybody found an alternative dual tank switch valve other than the stock GM (Polluk) valve? Something about that valve is restrictive as all hell.

    I am considering swapping the RH fuel tank for a 1987 tank and using an AC Delco EP241 in-tank fuel pump then running a frame mount pump to act as a transfer pump to move fuel from the LH to RH tank. The in-tank fuel pump would be more reliable any way. It just sucks to have to wire in a transfer pump if I don't have to.

    Here is the beast....
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