evo solenoid needed for swap? and what plug is this?
My obs power sterring pump had an evo solenoid on it. However the 5.3l power sterring doesnt have one. Do i need it? I do want power steering so what do i need to do? Truck is a 98 5.7l swapping 2000 5.3l
And what is the plug that is toward the rear on the driver side of the 2000 5.3l above the fuel filter. Its long and has three pins.
I need some help identifying a connector that is on the Obs wiring harness, it has a two pin white connector that doesnt go to the pcm or firewall plug, but has one black(grnd) and one purple wire. The purple wire goes to a plug with an orange seal and 10 pins stacked 5 on 5. I have a feeling that the connectors are not required, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. the harness is out of a 98 4x4.
Thanks again guys. Im gonna try and make a guide to wiring the 98 in conjuction with the ls to give back.