Is it that critical or is eye ball centered up good enough
Is it that critical or is eye ball centered up good enough
Always wondered that myself. I did see in a thread one time where someone lined it up with 3 feeler guages.
Also do any of you guys put sealer between pump outlet and block. I know rtv is probably no good but maybe licktite 518 would work. Ive got to add spacers to my pump, just seems like alot of potential leaks
Bump for knowledge
I don't put any sealant between the pump and block. Back in the VW days I'd put aviation gasket sealer in there, its the brown stuff that comes in a bottle about 3" tall and is applied with a cotton swap looking tool. Centering the pump is really important, it's more to make sure the pump was built correctly since all the adjustment you have is the difference between the bolt holes and the diameter of the bolts.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here...
Do not use sealer between the oil pump and block. Also the alignment is not critical, the only pump that needs alignment is the dry sump on the ls7.
The Fleet...
2003 Suburban- 5.4 L59 331CI 10:5.1 Compression -Built by ME
2004 Avalanche- 5.7 LS1 -NOT built by me
2005 Silverado RCSB- 5.7 LS6 -Built by ME
it may not be critical to you but any decent builder needs to feeler gauge the pump/crank sides in the spots across from each other, specially on a aftermarket pump. this way you know its centered in its bore thus not leaving any guess work if something was to go wrong with the pump. specially if you dont pull the bolts up equally
Simple: 408 on steroids!
single digits coming soon!
It is critical.... If its against the crank on any sides... Metal to metal... Unless u like that kind of thing going on in ur motor. I center all my pumps.
single digit street truck
for build info
The best advice I have ever heard:... Only take B( . Y . )ST advice from someone that is CURRENTLY running a turbo setup close to, or bigger than what you want......
Weird even my service manual does not mention oil pump alignment (other than ls7)
The Fleet...
2003 Suburban- 5.4 L59 331CI 10:5.1 Compression -Built by ME
2004 Avalanche- 5.7 LS1 -NOT built by me
2005 Silverado RCSB- 5.7 LS6 -Built by ME
I just get the pump bolts finger tight then turn the motor over to check for no binding or rubbing before torquing them. It is a good thing to check, I have done it with feeler gauges but it is a little more than whats needed. I only use a sealer if I am putting in spacers for a double chain. Other than that none.
99' Silverado RCSB Z71: 5.7L Iron LS1, 11.2:1, Custom EPS Cam, Ported 862's,Ported TB, E-Bay Cold Air, E-Bay Long Tubes, Dynomax X-Pipe Exhaust, Electric Fans, Innovative LC-1, Self Built 4L60E, Circle D Pro Single Disc, 4:10 ValueTrac