If you can't find parts for a '91 454 you're out to lunch. But hey, I was 15 and knew it all too, so I get it. I wish I had all that lost knowledge back.
If you can't find parts for a '91 454 you're out to lunch. But hey, I was 15 and knew it all too, so I get it. I wish I had all that lost knowledge back.
2006 SilveradoLittle Black Bitch
For 5000 grand you could build a beast of a 454 do a lil searching people have beenbuilding these things since the stone age. Lil head work, good cam and a forged & balanced rotating assembly along with intake and headers and you can reach your goal. Be breakin axles in no time!
95-98 used the exact same stereos factory and CD was optional in all those years.
Safer? the airbag isn't going to work just because you swap the dash.
Also if you think there are no performance parts available for the TBI 454, wait till you start trying to find some for the Vortec 454 or the 8.1.
and i have givven valid reasons why im not going with those options, what do you want me to tell you? i want an engine that bolts in, ok??? im not going to do massive amounts of fab work to get a different, smaller engine to fit... not going to happen, ok? look at my first post, it wasn't asking what engine do you think should go into our tuck, does it? no. it asks a bunch of small questions about doing a specific swap.
Last edited by smithkid1996; 10-13-2011 at 11:55 PM.
1995 454, there is a difference, they made this engin for only 2 years in the suburban 2500, silverado 2500, and silverado 3500 (and a few cometial vehicals, im sure) but im tired of all this crap because you think im being a know it all, i have allready done TONS of research on our truck, and i know what will, and will not work.
you act like its set in stone im getting the ram? i REALLY hope i do, and if i do, there is no resone to do anything to the burb' but he could have allready gotton rid of the truck (he told me about it 6 months ago) or say no, or want more money then what i can come up with.
i really dont see why your makeing such a big deal of one sentence...