really that kinda makes since y it some times bogs out i just got rid of my other injectors to that sucks lol.
really that kinda makes since y it some times bogs out i just got rid of my other injectors to that sucks lol.
pulled the codes and this what they were
P0335 means a crankshaft sensor relearn/calibration needs to be done. Dealer or anyone with HPTUNERS software can perform that.
p0420 and p0430 says bad catalyst efficiency. Either they're not hooked up or defective or cats are plugged possibly if not hollowed out.
91870 ? awful large number there.
P1870 is transmission component slippage, torque convertor.
Last edited by RedHeartbeat; 03-30-2010 at 09:40 PM.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here...
sorry lol its p1870 lol. So what wpould have do be done retuned or just relearned?? Could we put the other crank sensor back in?? And the trans what its saying the torque convreter is bad need to be replaced?? Cause the trans just was rebuild a few months back.
need to relearn it. either put the rear sensors back in or get them turned off in the tune. Trans may not be an issue once the other two things are fixed. Fix them first and then see if the trans code still comes up.
See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here...
ok thanks we will start there
I'm sure some local shop can run the relearn for you, I know that our snap-on scanner had this ability.
i eraced the codes yesterday the only one that has came back as of today is the p1870 or the trans one. Is there chance that the relearn code was thrown from the last motor that was put in it cause the guy that we got the truck had just put a lkq engine in it and water in it and it froze and cracked the head so thats when we got it and put our 05 5.3 in it. Or does every motor put in it have to be relearned??