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Thread: engine bracket questions for OBS 5.3 install

  1. #1

    engine bracket questions for OBS 5.3 install

    I ordered the LSX conversion plate from ebay that lets us OBS guys bolt the 5.3 into an OBS truck. Heres my question. I went to install the motor and the oil pan is hitting the cross member on the passenger side and not going down far enough to bolt in the mount. on the driver side the exhaust manifold is hung up on the upper control arm mount. Now heres my question.

    for those of you familiar with the plate adapter that gets bolted to the mount I have the mount setup so that the OBS bracket that gets bolted to that adapter is further back on the plate (closer to back of the motor). If I were to flip them around would that solve my problem? or do I need a different oil pan for this application? I am thinking I just have the adapters on backwards but thought I would ask...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    the triangle shape on the adapter goes towards the front and the point should be at the top.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  3. #3
    thanks. I am glad it is just my dumb mistake....

  4. #4
    Ok that helped but I still am having some line up issues with the brackets. But I think I have one that is from a C10 (old 350 bracket). I cannot get the GM dealer ship here in town to get me two of the brackets I need for a 98 350. They got me one and then every time they order the other side it comes in wrong. Been at it for a month now.

    Also I have a question. Now that I have the motor in almost I am noticing that I might have some issues with the stock A/C compressor on the 5.3. What are you guys doing for air in this situation?


  5. #5
    here are some pictures of my problems....

    passenger side bolts in just fine. Nothing hitting like before. But as you can see you cannot bolt the factory A/C pump in the factory location with the mounts like this. What do you guys do for air?

    general picture of the project.

    Picture of the driver side mount not lining up. the hole for the mount is off by about an inch or half an inch. I believe this mount that I have is an older 350 mount out of a C10 though. They look the same as the other side which is the part number that the thread at the top of this forum suggested. I would assume that this might be my problem as its not bolting in correctly.

    problem number three.....my truck is body dropped on air suspension thus the frame needs to be the lowest point of the truck. The oil pan hanges about two inches lower than the crossmember. Is there a different oil paint that I can use to fix this issue or will I need to section this pan and the oil sump setup?

    side pic to show the closeness to the fire wall. I lowered the cab down and it clears by just an inch or two but I am assuming this is normal.

    another general shot from the driver side rear.

    pic of the oil pan from the back of the truck.

    I have ordered these brackets (from the part number that was given in the sticky at the top of this forum about the swap) from the dealership and they got me one in that was correct and then they kept ordering the second one and it kept coming in as an o ring or gasket...something is not right with their system for ordering or something. Anyways I am getting frustrated with them so I asked a buddy if he had a mount that would work and he gave me the one that is not lining up. they look the same with the naked eye but I have not tried to measure them yet. But I could use some help.

    I could use any insight in these three issues.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    You need an LS1 Fbody oil pan, pickup tube and windage tray to get the best clearance.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Hutto TX
    Answer 1.) if you search you will find at least THREE that i know of. Section out a piece of frame to make the new one fit, go to s&P and get their shiny kit for a sanden, or make your own to use your old compressor. I am opting for the last but haven't started yet.

    Answer 2.) Big pry bar. Pry it in there, it's not going to glide into place. You could go to Advanced or NAPA or Autozone or OReillys and get those motor mounts that bolt to the frame, like 25 a piece, since your dealership is incompetent.

    Problem 3.) There is another thread going that has the same question here: http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/lsx-t...68-impala.html

    The top of my head an F-body pan could be beneficial.
    1991 Silverado ECLB

  8. #8
    no the frame side mounts are fine its the brackets on the motor that I have one that is right and the driver side that is off by a half an inch that I believe might be different. unless some one can tell me for sure that the 350 mount has been the same since the late seventies...

    About the air I could probably run something from classic auto air I would assume or make my own bracket. Sectioning the frame right there is always another option but not one that I would like to do as I think I would need to take out quite a bit and I dont want the truck to act different in a head on collision. (part of the down side of working in the collision industry, always thinking of that)

    What year f body parts do I need for the oil pan? or does it matter?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    98-2002 fbody only.

    I used the Street and Performance High right side a/c relocation setup that uses a Sanden 508 compressor. The come highly polished in aluminum or you can order them in chrome. You can do the same with the compressor and it looks trick instead of being hidden down low, more bling.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  10. #10
    Thank you redheartbeat...you are always on point. Do you have a link for that ac kit?


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