I have talked with a few members and Precision Industries about a Group buy to save us some Cash... They dont Offer Group Buys BUT If we buy 3200.00 total at one time then we can get a WD Price .. WD is Whole Direct and saves 100.00 or more from the Counter Price calling them direct.. To Kick off a Converter buy Myself and Alton are going to be the First on this List .. PI Is top Notch They offer Single,3 Disc and 5 Disc Lock up Converters.. You can have your Choice of Stall speed and either 4l60 or 4l80 Trans . All Converters Come with 1 Free Restall Full 2 year warranty on the Converter itself .. Single Disc will be 660.00 Tripple Disc is 860.00 and 5 Disc 4l80 only will be 890.00 We are Responsible for Shipping.. So figure in another 25.00 We are only Taking Names at this time So I see if there are enough of us in need that we can all benifit from this... When we have enough names and everyone knows exactly what they want .. I will have to Collect all money and make a Single Order for All the different trucks,Converters Then PI will Drop ship them Direct .. This will have everyone Double shipping and waiting