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Thread: ls1 into 88 4x4

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    ok, ive been reading, and reading..and thinking and thinking..ive got a ls1 i want to put into my 88 4x4, ive dont ls1 swaps, just into other ls1 cars but still have a lil experience with them..im trying to decide on what i need to get as far as parts..currently it has the 700r tranny, i would like to just get the crank adapter kit and use my tranny as its been good to me.my stock computer is out of the truck and all my guages still work..ill have to figure out them later. Im just worried about getting the stuff to put in in right now. Any of you used the sbc to ls1 mounts in a 4x and had any alighment issue with the t-case etc? Also,. what about the aceessories, im assuming you have to notch the frame or do some special bracket? (for AC). I will need to souce a compressor and such i was just about to buy bc mine took a shit, but now ill wait and get a ls1 style since thats whats going in it. I currenlty have no accessories on the ls1, its just a block and heads..no intake, fuel rail nothing..i have to start from scratch..so i need to know what the best way to go as far as oil pan and accessories are concerned..the engine is out of a camaro. ob by the way, im going carb since i have a good fuel system for a carb, and my engine will have no computer, harness, maf, intake, fuel rails, nothing.
    thanks matt

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    You have one advantage, street and performance is close to you. They will have anything you need to put it in there. There are many ways to mount your engine. I'd start with a set of steel adapter plates for the LS1 like the ones you can buy on ebay. I'd then drop the engine into the truck and weld tabs from the stock mounts onto the new adapter plates so that you keep the stock transfer case location. Is there a crossmember under the oil pan on a 1988 4x4? My 92 4x2 had a truck pan on it and it worked fine. My 93 4x2 has a fbody pan on it and it fits fine. As for carbing a 1988 vehicle, better check with the DMV and make sure that's okay if Arkansas has any kind of inspections going on these days. I know Oklahoma quit inspecting vehicles all together.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    yes i know all about street and performance..only thing is they are super $$$$, no im not worried about any kind of emissions. they dont inspect anything at all here..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    Yes, they are pricey. I must agree with that but all other companies are within 10% of their prices. I'd measure from the bell housing to the crossmember to see how much room you have under there. Does it have a crossmember under the oil pan?
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    nope no crossmember under there..i just thought of it , a fbody pan will clear no problem, hell most any pan will probably clear,,ive got a 3 in susupension lift that drops the diff down to keep the alignment for the cv joints, there is all kind of room under the oil pan, dont know how the oil filter would work (front driveshaft over on the driver side) but but im sure it would be ok, if not a remote filter kit or something. I guess the main thing is the motor mounts and what to do for accessories. And try to determine if its worth it to me to go carbd or injected. As far as the way it is nol you kind of hinted on checking about the carb..its already carbed now (355sbc) , been that way for about 3 years. i put a holley with a street dominator intake and vac hei on it when i got pissed of at the tbi. It has ran flawless since. decisons decisions..i would almost go for the injection if i could get the truck accessories to bolt right up and if i could get them all as a package..you know not have to go here and there, just find someone selling the whole shit and shibang, water pump, pwr steering, ac compressor, alt, brackets etc..i just want to know what would fit the best..and if there is a way around notching my frame,..i am fully able to do it, (got access to plasma cutter) but would rather not. thanks so far

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    The 4x4 frame is so different that I cannot tell if you'd have to notch or not. THe best way is to just drop it in there and see what you have for clearance. You may not have to do anything. For accessories, post up on LS1tech, Corvetteforum, LS1GTO, Performancetrucks.net and anywhere else you can think of for them. I think the Vette accessories would be best, then the truck and finally the fbody. I reserve the Fbody for last only because the alternator is next to the steering box. If you get it up high it makes for an easier conversion. I did fbody on my 93 and 92. It works fine but it's tight. The high mount alternator will allow you to move the engine fwd or backward as needed to bolt to the stock transmission location.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RedHeartbeat &#064; Jun 21 2006, 11&#58;44 AM) [snapback]55927[/snapback]</div>
    The 4x4 frame is so different that I cannot tell if you&#39;d have to notch or not. THe best way is to just drop it in there and see what you have for clearance. You may not have to do anything. For accessories, post up on LS1tech, Corvetteforum, LS1GTO, Performancetrucks.net and anywhere else you can think of for them. I think the Vette accessories would be best, then the truck and finally the fbody. I reserve the Fbody for last only because the alternator is next to the steering box. If you get it up high it makes for an easier conversion. I did fbody on my 93 and 92. It works fine but it&#39;s tight. The high mount alternator will allow you to move the engine fwd or backward as needed to bolt to the stock transmission location.
    yea, im a member on tech with over 900 posts, i used to have a trans am. I dont think "finding" the parts would be a problem, its just trying to decide on which ones to get..ahhah. I just know that there cant be much difference in the truck frames now and the truck frames then..so i would think the truck accessories would work better but i have NO clue..i wish i could find someone who could say, yes i ve done the same thing..here is what you will need...wishfull thinking hahah

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Denton Texas
    Wait a couple days, surely someone on here has done a 4x4 conversion. Not everyone makes it this way on a daily basis. Some still hang out over on PT.net more than they do here. I haven&#39;t figured that one out yet but I guess that&#39;s their choice.
    See my truck data in the "My Garage" section here... http://www.ls1truck.com/forums/my-ga...tml#post191709

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