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Thread: Is There A Flaw In My Plan

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Is There A Flaw In My Plan

    So my plan is to purchase a Chevy or GMC with with like 200K+ miles. Then locate a 6.0L and do some work on it such as cam swap, head swap, etc. Then swap the 6.0 into the truck. I have seen several of the high mileage trucks fairly cheap. I figure if I am going to swap the engine what does it really matter. I suppose with the high mileage you could have other problems like the tranny or whatever, but I guess i can worry about that when the time comes. I guess my real concern is when purchasing the truck is there certain years or models , or engines I should stay away from that may cause problems with the swap. Most trucks I have been looking at are around 99-2002. Any other thoughts that I should think about would be good also.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    New Port Beach, CA.
    If i where to buy a truck to do any swaps. I would get an 2003 and up. The computer is easier to programming its a better platform and the interior is nicer. Also the parts had a longer run all the way to 2006or7 and the hard parts like the tranny are backwards compatible to 98. I even used a 1995 transfer case in my build.
    Good luck with your project.
    6.0 MAX Blown

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I prefer the trucks with a cable throttle body and a return fuel system. Not sure the exact years they went to this. I think 2003 was the first year for DBW, then 2004 they went returnless or something like that. Also, as the trucks got newer they also got heavier.

    If it was me, I'd find a 2002 or something (has the same bad ass 411 pcm) and put a newer front end on it.

    Just my .02..............coming from building a 2006 truck.
    Quote Originally Posted by farmtruc View Post
    It's always a good big accomplishment to get such a big build running. So congratulations on that!
    However, you're already talking bs and the truck is on jack stands, lol.
    Get it on the track, run some respectable times, then say "to all the haterz" because that vid is weak lol.
    You got a long ways to go to compete with the turbos!
    Quote Originally Posted by 2boosted View Post
    Sorry dude....what I meant is that you are full of shit. Your supercharged turd wont ever make it to the 8's and your wasting energies as Casey did.
    Go turbo and be done with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Thanks for the tips. With my luck I would by the truck and then find out that is the one model year that isn't compatible. I am sure once I get the project started I will have plenty more questions.

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