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Thread: Good News & Bad News

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  1. #1

    Good News & Bad News

    Good News:
    she finally moved under her own power.

    Bad News:
    when in gear(under a load), i stomp the gas & she bogs down, backfires & falls on her face. put it in neutral & i can rev the crap out of her.

    i bought a fuel pressure gauge & when i turn the key the pressure builds to about 12 psi. start the truck & it slowly goes up to 57-59, cheap harbor freight needle jumps around.
    when i hit the throttle she revs fine but the pressure drops to 20-30 PSI.
    no check engine light, so i'm thinking the fuel pump?
    Last edited by RPM Graphics; 04-13-2012 at 05:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Atlanta Ga
    congrats and condolences! lol.. def sounds like ti could be the fuel pump. good luck to u man. any news on the radiator covers?
    96 2 Door Tahoe 4wd / 5.3 Swap / CAI / Tune / Pacesetter LTs / Magnaflow / LED Dash / Novak A/C Bracket /


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    San Antonio
    I had a similar problem. In neutral would rev but once in drive fall on its face. It was the fuel pump
    2000*GMC longtubes nelson tune, built trans,trutrac circle d 278 mm stall 373 posi,100 shot of dope and 228 232 588 595 cam.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by myzterray View Post
    congrats and condolences! lol.. def sounds like ti could be the fuel pump. good luck to u man. any news on the radiator covers?
    i'm working on them. i have the measurements just need to get out to the shop to route & brake them. i was hoping to do them this week but don't know if i'm going to make it out there since my truck isn't running right.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Atlanta Ga
    Quote Originally Posted by RPM Graphics View Post
    i'm working on them. i have the measurements just need to get out to the shop to route & brake them. i was hoping to do them this week but don't know if i'm going to make it out there since my truck isn't running right.
    cool cool! cant wait bro.
    96 2 Door Tahoe 4wd / 5.3 Swap / CAI / Tune / Pacesetter LTs / Magnaflow / LED Dash / Novak A/C Bracket /


  6. #6
    fix the fuel problem. one of my lines was restricted. unfortunately it still runs rough. i pulled the plug on my MAF to see if it would throw a code & turn on the LED check engine light but it never came on. we put a reader on it & there was a code for the MAF. no other codes but we could see the MAP was at 10.8 in park & jumped to 14 when i put it in gear. i was told it should be around 5. when it's in gear it runs really rough now. it's not throwing a code for the MAP so i was told to check for vacuum leak around the intake & MAP. we'll see what happens tomorrow.

  7. #7
    right under the MAP sensor is a small vacuum port. where does that go, or can i cap it?
    right now it's just open so i think that may be my problem.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    If your staying NA walboro 255 if there's plans for fi aeromotive 340. Either are cheaper than factory replacement .... btw been following your truck in fb, looks gteat and need to get with you bout one if those bad Ass hats!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Cap it!

  10. #10
    capped it this morning. seams to run better but i haven't had a chance to go drive it yet. crossing my fingers that's my problem.

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