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Thread: 5 speed or 6 speed manual options

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  1. #1

    5 speed or 6 speed manual options

    Hey guys, Im building a 69 c10 with a lq4. I may turbo or stay natural, not sure yet. What im wondering is, what are my options as far as doing a 5 or 6 speed manual transmision? I thought about a tremec from a ctsv caddy, but not sure if its gonna work. Any thoughts or advise would be great, Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Amarillo TX
    i've seen some people that have swapped in a t56 from the 98-02 fbody cars with good results. i dont know many specifics, but it works
    2000 ECSB 5.3L with K&N CAI, true duals with flowmaster 40s, and 200k miles!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    any T56 from an LS1 camaro, trans am, GTO, ctsV and maybe vette would work just fine

    04 RCSB 5.3, Homemade 80mm FM, TU1, TH400

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    T-56 from an F-body or a GTO is your best bet.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

  5. #5
    ok I forgot all about the fbody lol. any turbo advice? Im thinking 70mm plus or minus. id like to be 500ish and drivable. and have an engine bay the size of texas to do it with

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    70 would work, but since you have a 6.0 i would do a 76

    04 RCSB 5.3, Homemade 80mm FM, TU1, TH400

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bandera, TX
    I ran a tko-600 with over 700 rwhp and it was fun to drive. But not near as fast as it is with the auto. Just my .02

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honeywood, Ontario
    And for what it's worth, the stock 5speed in my truck (NV3500) is holding a heads/cam 5.3 just fine. Just in case your plans end up a little more on the tame side.
    2006 Silverado
    Little Black Bitch

  9. #9
    hmmm, thats all pretty good food for thought, thanks. I also have a nv3500 in a truck with a cammed lq4 lts etc, it does well. the only reason im leaning manual is because i enjoy driving them, as opposed to the best performer. I plan on building it as a daily driveable truck but not daily driven if that makes any sense. I dont want to build it twice, so at the moment i think im going to build it natural and speand the money to build a t56 the way it needs to be built, then next season go turbo. with that being said, i havnt bought any of this drivetrain yet so i am all ears to any fun but driveable combos you guys may have run. Or am i just beating a dead horse with a boosted manual setup? thanks again guys

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Well, you are not beating a dead horse. Its just a fact that an auto is the best setup for a Turbo vehicle. Well best choice for a drag vehicle period. But there plenty fast 6 speed cars out there. If you want to go with a 6 speed then do it, its your truck. I think it would be a blast, just not the fastest it could be but if that doesn't bother you then whatever. I would take every bit advise that quik gave you BC he has been there.and he has done it. Its a lot harder on any part being in a 5000lb truck vs being in a 3500lb car, so a strong clutch is a must. And depending on how much power you want to make, a fully built t56 might be neccesary as well

    04 RCSB 5.3, Homemade 80mm FM, TU1, TH400

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