Hey all I just joined the site tonight Im from Madison Wi and am the damn proud owner of a '06 1500 HD quad cab. Its pretty mellow as of now but It has 20" moto metal rims wrapped in BF Goodrich mud terrain km2's (very impressed with them) I threw on a Spectre short ram intake and it has true dual exhaust from the cats back(loud as hell but sounds great!). I do have intentions of lifting it but winters comin fast so thats gonna wait however I tripped over this forum while looking for performance cams which is why i am now here lol. I really want to swap in an ls1 or zo6 cam as well as other zoom zooms in the future. I have a speed addiction and cant seem to keep clean. I guess im supposed ta put pics up so i'll dig through the ugliest ones i got!...Just kidding I'll throw up a video or 2http://youtu.be/NMTIhmPmeZ0http://youtu.be/090jytYAQdY