Woah Woah Woah boys things are getting a little heated in here why all the hate. Lets all chill out and remember these are just Trucks which means that its just a hobby for 95% of us. The other 5% who make a living off this stuff like Allen, DBRods and Casey at least they have their name and job on the line. The rest of us could just about disappear off the site and not have it affect our lives. Why all the hate show a little more respect to one another and stop all the trash talk. I don't mean the healthy stuff like rivalries between G and Parker. I mean this stupid crap where everyone gets offended over stupid crap.
All of this crap wouldn't be said by most anyone in a sober face to face situtation so lets keep stupid crap to ourselves. Opinions everyone are entitled to, but keep it reasonable and don't get offended at every little thing. Its the internet not gonna make or break your pride. Let's keep this place helpful and fun. Instead of a typing war.